miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011

The first world?

The death of a young 29 year old shot by police has lit the fuse of violence in the UK, which began in the Tottenham area and then spread to the rest of London and other cities such as Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool and Bristol.

 This is the beginning of the history of the riots in London and other UK cities.
The latest news we have is:

Last night there were three more deaths related to the wave of violence. Three Asian men were killed in Birmingham while trying to "protect their property" in a  private neighborhood, according to eyewitnesses. Victims were 20, 30 and 31 years, died after being hit by a car around midnight.

The hooded men are not waiting to attack at night. In Manchester, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Salford and West Bromwich riots lavished on daylight.

What motivates me to comment this type of news, is how similar scenarios is with Mexico in the War on drugs ... omitting descriptions and keeping the proper proportions, the so-called first world and the countries that call us third world are experiencing violence. Some figures:

The drug war has made at last 42 months 24 000 825 victims, said yesterday Government Attorney General's Office, Arturo Chavez Chávez. At press conference, explained that the federal official number of deaths in 2010 only 7 000
048 people, according to the count made by the cabinet of national security to the most recent weekly cut.

According to Chavez, the data includes both deaths between rival groups as those killed in clashes between security forces and suspected criminals.

The number of detainees in the UK since the beginning of the riots on Saturday continues to grow.
The latest report provided by the London police speaks of a total of 770 arrests in the capital alone. According to The Guardian, arrests elsewhere in the country reach the 567, for a total of 1,337 arrests. Then the data in detail:

London: 770 (171 with fees)
Manchester: 300
West Midlands: 109
Nottinghamshire: 84
Merseyside: 50
Avon and Somerset: 24
The last thing I saw on the news is one of the masked men went to the shops of central London, lit a quiet shade of a tent and walked away watching the fire had caused. No matter how much it cost you to own your business up and throw it away. It caused him no regrets to destroy a life in less that 10 minutes.

Looking back in Apatzingan, Michoacan, people are abandoning their homes and businesses, as "bad guys" are killing the region, they are asked about their earnings and fees if not, they destroy the place. I return to the same point, no matter the job or the time spent in having a personal estate when anyone with a gun in your hand or can destroy desires and end all.

 Other data.

Londoners do not feel safe. Citizens have complained about the lack of security and call for solutions to the Government, therefore, Cameron announced an unprecedented police deployment: 16,000 agents monitored the streets of London last night.

According to Chavez, the increased presence of federal forces caused many drug groups were divided and lost control of territory and moved to other areas where they are now facing organizations that previously the domain.

 The authorities can continue fighting to keep us "safe" and maybe do their best, but still not enough.
Here's another similarity between London and Mexico.

The vast majority of citizens, after the first days of shock, begin to say enough.
Since London, yesterday were people with brooms ready to clear the streets after a night of battle, and in Ealing, a suburb of the capital, many residents spent the night awake.

In the name of -Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity-, Javier Sicilia called for mobilization on Sunday at noon for peace, against war and the vote of law from Homeland Security is under discussion in Congress

In a press conference held at the Museum of Tolerance, said that this mobilization is aimed to government and politicians who called for a halt to the war and give guidance to the peace of Mexico.

I had a close look at violence as they do living in the UK, see burnt cars, stay at home because there are fighting and not leave your town because they have locks on all entrances and / or outputs.
Stories are thousands and come from all sides. The speeches of government have been many wiser than some other, perhaps we can now see to be on track, but recently my attention was on something that Mr. Arturo Chavez said : "The decisions were right”, said, but the problem wont be solved before the end of the Calderon administration in two years. The solution will take more time and "sooner or later we will come to fruition," he said.

At this time, he said, we are trying to go from "stop the bleeding" to "cure itself" and attack the causes, whether social, economic or otherwise, do you have "so many young people willing to engage in organized crime. "

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